Svoboda? Are you okay?
Don't fucking hang up...
What are you looking for?
l just heard he has diamonds.
ln the belly...
What the fuck
are you talking about?
He said he had them
in his belly.
Of course...
he swallowed them.
He must be
in the Russian Mafia.
Look, it was on TV.
Carriers swallow capsules with
diamonds, cocaine, whatever...
and then they take a laxative.
This Russian...
Has 20 diamonds in his belly.
That's a fortune, Goyo.
And it's something that goes way
beyond your equiIibrium...
something that takes you over.
It's desire, passion...
a dream that can save you
or damn you.
Live it intenseIy
untiI it hurts...
untiI you can't wake up...
untiI you stiII want more...
This is radio from
the heart of the souI...
it's pIeasure and pain...
after aII,
nobody's perfect.
This is Mariano,
and I'm deIighted to be with you.
lt'll have to be in your butt.