You're like,
the same age as my mom...
but you look much younger...
A towel...
Fucking liar...
Nobody here, huh?
The key!
Give me the key!
He always goes straight to bed
after he's showered.
-Give me the fucking key!
We've been robbed
five times this year...
he quit smoking and is going crazy.
lf he sees a gun...
Fuck him.
Shut up and open the door.
Goddamn it, there's no
fresh towels!
Please go.
Do you hear?
l'm coming, Beto!
l've got a customer!
Let me give him his towel.
l know him.
He'll head straight off to bed.
Alright. But open your mouth
and you're dead.
Your caII wiII be transferred
to voicemaiI.
Nene, don't disconnect!
No time for ass-kissing, kid!
l haven't seen the shadow
of the Russian...
Okay, smoke if you've got to,
don't go and die on me, kid.
l'm calling the police.
-Yes, Carmen.
-What for?
-So they'll come!
But what for?
So they can pocket the diamonds?
-He's got them in his guts!
What do you mean, "and"?