we'll have to wait for a few months
before selling them...
But Toño has contacts...
Toño, Toño!
You think l don't have balls or
ambition? ls that what you think?
No, Goyo. Let's not fight.
lt's just that stolen diamonds
are not easy to sell and Toño...
Enough of Toño!
Toño could, Toño can!
Here, call that hot shit
brother of yours. Go on.
Let Toño come
and fix it all...
because he solves everything.
Carmen, if anything goes wrong...
l wasn't here and l saw nothing.
Hey, is it that bad?
Sorry, bad joke.
No formal complaint and l can't
interfere in family quarrels.
We had an appointment, remember?
l'm on my way out.
lt doesn't matter. l can wait until
Doña Carmen finishes her customer.
Well, she hasn't finished...
First thing tomorrow...
-First thing...
-l can't.
There's been a bad Code Nine
near here...
The chief said he'd arrest me
if l didn't get my hair cut.
Just run the shaver round the back,
you can do the rest tomorrow.
Your caII wiII be transferred
to voice maiI.
Nene, it's me, Lolo,
Fuck man,
l hope you're okay...