Forget me, okay?!
Shit. My love's not sincere?
What a joke. I'm being
totally honest.
Here's what I do to
our past, Sergio!
I'm tearing it up, and
throwing it away, ok?
How can it be over, Vani?
It's just begun.
A great love, full of kisses
and promises... Shit.
That's the romantic stuff
I dream of.
Ok, I'll hit you
with a watermelon.
She wants the truth?
She'll have it.
So cute, and romantic.
- The Cupid's arrow.
- It's phony.
A slide show! Great!
- That's him?
- Yep.
I won't fall for your cheap
trick! Forget it, honey.
Look. Is that a barbecue?
It's a party at Nono and
Nené's, my cousins.
- Your cousins?
- The well-hung one's in the back.
I want my stuff back...
and all my photos.
You'll get them. Here they are.
Is that your cousin, too?
That's... an ice cream that...
My lawyer will collect my
photos tomorrow, hear me?!
Explain these butts now.
Whose butt is "AMA?"
It's mine. Looks great, huh?
No way! Our intimacies!
What's that?
That's... my dad...
I can't explain that.
Stick that projector up
your ass, Sergio!
Fucked ya.
End of the show!
- What a life!
- Yeah, quite colorful, eh?
Pardon my French.
I seldom swear, but...
that asshole pisses me off.
That fucker will have to beg
me to come back, damn it!
For the love of God!
Swearing is uncalled-for.