will provide.
Let me add this:
the good people of Northfork
will be able to have their cake
and eat it, too.
Two, three...
Where are we going to start--
right in here?
Where should we start?
Let's start right in here.
Then the water
shall become a flood
and destroy all flesh...
and the bow
shall be in the cloud,
and I will look upon it,
and I will remember
the everlasting covenant
between God
and every living creature...
of all flesh
that is upon the earth.
And that's what we have here.
Our town is dying.
I have seen the concrete
the headstone
for the town for Northfork.
This dam gate will close...
the water will rise
over the plains,
and cover our businesses...
our homes...
and our well-being.
We have lost Northfork.
We will be losing
our dear son...