We'd appreciate it
if you both would stop
screwing around.
Well, what do you want to do?
The Youngs are going
to have a moving sale.
Now, all I need is a pair
of sinners like yourselves
to mount up there now.
We appreciate
very much your giving us
this time to discuss
this matter.
A pair of wives?
At least they're not mounted.
You know,
it appears to me
that you folks
are preparing for a flood
in Biblical proportions.
You got that right, son.
A flood is going to wipe
through this place,
cleansing the soil of all sin.
When God tells us
to get a move on,
we're gone at the first holler
of a rooster.
We ain't needing the State
to come in here
and tell us when
to pick up and get going.
That's God's doing.
This is God's land,
and by God,
we ain't movin' until we get
that sign from above.
Yes, sir, uh...
we aren't telling you
to pick up and get going.
No, sir.
Look at us as your
life preservers.
You can use us if you want,
or not at all.
We give you that choice.
We're all in the same boat.
So, sir, if you
don't mind, sir,
I'd like to bend you
and your wives' ear a bit
and tell you
about the signs of God
that we are familiar with.