"Found near the glaciers,
these wings, blah, blah, blah."
From what they could tell,
this particular pair were
detached from a juvenile
who probably strayed
from the flock.
"Perhaps no wiser
than four years of age.
"The abbreviated
wingspan reveals to us
"that he weighed
no more than 25
to 30 pounds
before they were removed."
A bit too disturbing for me.
are you looking at this?
Would you say amputated?
Yes. Amputated.
Angel. Huh.
Aren't we all?
I'd say quite the opposite.
Probably a little devil,
and daddy gave him
a good strapping.
There's a back
story for you.
Does this cause any pain?
This would be
as a highly dangerous
procedure without
Some people would just
bite a bullet.
A highly
skilled surgeon
was overly concerned
with muscle stabilization.
There's no evidence of
curvature of the spine.
You're discovering
feathers in this area?
What time of day?
Can you run your fingers
through his hair?
What can you tell us
about your relatives?