
My mother and father were
12th generation angels.

My great grandpa
and grandma
had wings the size

of bombers and would
glide the plains

of Northfork.
Come on, you ladies,
can't you just smell
the bird shit?

I mean, I'd like to believe
these wings is authentic,

but the feathers,
they ain't attached
to anything.

You take those moose antlers
back there.

Oh, dear.
Yeah, it's a fine
set of antlers, but it's more
than just a rack of horns

attached to a piece of board.
That wouldn't be enough.
It's an okay place
to hang your hat,

but there ain't no pride in it.
What you need is the whole
head hanging up there.

And these marble eyes just
a-staring on down at you.

Then you know you've got
something really worth having.

We're still not leaving.
I've got a thousand-dollar
check from the state,

or would you rather use that
for your funeral services?

Then you best get the hell
out of here right now.

Use these to fly
the hell out of here.

Eddie. Hey, Eddie.
