Forty-five three four seven,
civilian call on nine 0 two.
Possible crashed or abandoned
vehicle by the side of the freeway...
...approximately three miles east
of junction thirty-seven.
Described as a dark SUV
or similar.
Vehicle remains upright,
unknown if persons inside.
Relax. You get any stiffer,
rigor mortis will set in.
Come on, Nat, relax.
I know how you feel.
I had to go through it myself.
You see, Nat, there's this
whole community of people...
...just like us.
You know,
it's like an extended family.
Only better.
It seems like ever since
I met The Father...
...my old life feels like it
belongs to someone else.
He makes us feel special,
...we finally fit in or belong to
something bigger than ourselves.
He's the reason
we're all here together.