Oh, tell her!
Marissa, I totally forgot.
I know it's a little belated, but we got you
the perfect wedding present!
Come on, you guys, I told you,
you don't have to get me anything.
Our friend Ashley had this guy come over
and teach a blow job class.
- It was incredible.
- A class?
And he's really good,
so we had to book him way in advance.
Why should I go to a class?
Bernard should be the one going to class.
I swear, the man is orally challenged.
- Wait a second, is that guy...
- [Frank whooping]
Oh, my God.
That's disgusting!
Why am I looking at that?
Why are you slowing down?
Just drive. Go.
[horns honking]
No way.
Hey, honey.
What the hell are you doing?
We're streaking. We're going up
through the quad to the gymnasium.
Who's streaking?
There's more coming.
Frank, get in the car.
- Everybody's doing it.
- Now!
Whoa! Scooch over.
Hey, ladies.
Hey, Frank.
Looks like it's a little cold out there, huh?
[girls giggling]
Please, guys.
Honey, do you think KFC is still open?
[girls laughing]
[lawn mower]
[alarm buzzes]
Oh, shit.
Good morning.
Now, that was a party.