Old School

You were pretty intimidating back then.
You were always with older guys.
You had that Whitesnake jean jacket.

You smoked Marlboro Reds.
You were way out of my league.

I still have the Whitesnake
jean jacket.

I'm still pretty intimidated by you.
You're bad.
You're right. I am bad.
I'm sorry...
- I guess we're not knocking?
- Excuse me.

Excuse me, I've got to get
back to work.

...just returning these Band-Aids.
What are you gonna do?
Tell on me?

You know you can't, buddy.
It's guy code. Okay?

Guys don't tell on other guys.
That's, uh...

something chicks do.
You're not a chick, are you?
All right. Good talk.
I'll see you out there.

Hey there, buddy.
Need a friend?
Yeah, me, too.
[pony whinnies, Frank whistles]
- She's a beauty, ain't she?
- Yeah.

What kind of gun is this?
That's a tranquilizer gun.
If any of these little fuckers decide to freak
out on the kids,

I get to take them down.
Ain't that right, mother?

That's what I thought. Shut up.
Hey, be careful with that.
That's the most powerful
tranq gun on the market.

Got her in Mexico.
- Cool.
- Yeah, it is cool.

They say it could puncture
the skin of a rhino from a hundred...
