can't have you...
I can't have you
insulting my audience.
she's insulted me.
I hope he doesn't
talk to you like
that at home, Carol.
CAROL: No, no.
Fuck, Carol.
Don't get me wrong,
he is a good dad.
He's the best dad
in the world,you know?
I've got my daughter,
He's not the father
of Donna, right,
but he took
me and Donna in
when she was a little girl
and all that,
and he's an
absolute diamond
and I love him.
I've been with him
all this time...
Bad sister.
but the thing is,
I'm sort of getting
to the age now
that he was
when we met
and I sort of think...
You know
what I mean?
He's going backwards and I'm
trying to move us on...
Charlie, man.
HOST: Well, you say
he's a great father,
and as it so happens,
we've got your
best friend, Shirley,
her daughter,
and your older
daughter, Donna,
all waiting backstage.
Come on out, girls!
Oh, fuck.
Hi, girls. Welcome.
Shirley, you're Carol's very
good friend. Do you think...
I mean, there's obviously
a lot of love going on here.
Do you think they stand
a chance of making it together?
Um, I don't know.
I think they're both
a bit mixed up, really.
Ah, baby.
You think
they're confused?
Yeah, a bit, yeah.
Not as confused
as you're going
to be, Shirley,
Could we dim
the lights, please?
We've got a surprise
for you.
Where do you think
your boyfriend Dek is now,
Um, he's waiting with the car.
You think he's
waiting with the car.
You're entirely wrong,
because, ladies and gentlemen,
let's welcome Dek!
Oh, my God!
What are you doing?
Oh, God.
It's been a year
and a half now, Shirley,