Don't know.
Oh, my God.
Oh. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God,
it's a pink
plastic pig.
Your legs will
never fit in there.
I can't.
I'm going to have to...
I can't go out in that.
I'm going to
lose business.
Babe, I can't.
You can.
* Tomorrow *
* Tomorrow *
* They say *
Know what you're doing?
North Wales Champion
four times running.
* And even though today *
* We will be parted *
* My love for you *
Hey, no,
that's the upper body.
No, it's not.
You can't use the upper body.
It's got to be in the arm.
Well, do what I'm doing, then.
This is what you're doing.
This is what he's doing.
No, he's not.
You're just being mardy
because you're losing.
Ah! Cancel it.
Cancel it.
It's gone. Cancel the game,
that doesn't count.
You've pulled it, man.
You severed something
from the bone.
He's only 17.
He hasn't been in a serious
car accident, has he, Donna?
Neither have you.
It was only a bump.
It was a near-death
I had a car door
this far...
this far from my eye.
My eye, Donna.
If it wasn't for my...
my guardian angel
over there,
I wouldn't have
pulled through.
She's pissed,
isn't she?
She is pissed.
We're in a new phase now
in the relationship,
and I don't mind
her being pissed.
It's just another
quality, isn't it?
Of her, of Shirley.