and my father
gave it to me, and...
Dek, it's a man's watch.
Yes, it is
a man's watch, Marlene.
The Queen gives her crown
to her sons
and it passes on down the family
like that.
It's a heirloom.
A heirloom, they call them,
and, um...
I'd love you to have it.
You do like it,
don't you?
Yeah, I love it.
silver and stuff.
It's like the crown jewels.
I'd best be going to school.
Oh, all right then. Bye.
Tell the time.
I will.
Hey, baby.
What are you
doing here?
Look, I don't want to cause you
any trouble, Shirley.
I know Marlene's
birthday's coming up
and I didn't want to miss it.
Well, I am going to miss it--
I'm going back up the road--
but I just wanted to make sure
she got her presents, you know.
Are you going back
to Glasgow?
All right.
Mad the other night, eh?
Yeah, I was a bit drunk.
I felt something.
I thought I felt
a wee...
thought I felt
a wee something,
you know?
Thought you felt something.
A wee something.
You must think
I'm really stupid.