Well, at least it ain't raining.
Get yourself dressed, Button.
Help Mose get things cleaned up.
Then you walk out
and look for them horses.
Looks like you could use
a little muscle there, Charley.
You just keep on like you are.
You'll get your chance
soon enough.
No need to ask
for more chores, Mose.
Every man's got to pull
his weight.
Yeah, but my weight
is half of yours.
You know, it's hard to figure
Charley sometimes.
I ain't even sure
if he likes me.
He likes you.
You know, Boss had some pause
about hiring me on.
Too big to get around on horses
and work them cows.
Afraid I'd eat too much.
It was Charley
that talked him into it,
and I ain't one to take
a man's confidence lightly.
You know I ain't, either.
I know you ain't, but it's best
to keep remembering it
if you want respect
when you're riding with men
like Charley and Boss.
Button, pull.
Pull it.