Saddle his horse.
That cover what he owes?
Oh, yeah.
Name's Percy if you should need
anything else.
Much obliged.
Hold on.
How long you had him here?
I brought him in here
yesterday afternoon.
It wasn't easy
getting him into the cell.
Why is that?
Goddamn bear.
Size of it.
Name's Boss Spearman.
This here's Charley Waite.
Believe you have
a friend of ours.
Name's Mose Harrison.
Yeah, I got him here.
He started a fight
in the general store.
Mose don't start fights,
just finishes them.
I just said he started it.
You said he didn't.
Maybe you're calling me a liar.
You got a charge against him?
I got plenty.
Inciting a fight.
Disturbing the peace.
Creating a public nuisance.
Take your pick.
Hear tell he got hit
over the head.
He'll be fine.
Well, I come to get him.
Well, you pay the fines,
and you can have him.
How does $50 each offense sound?
Like robbery.
Lot of money.
Oh, yes, a lot of money.
I been waiting for you,
Mr. Spearman.
My name's Denton Baxter.
Be your men Mose tussled with.
That's right.
You know, folks
in Fort Harmon country
don't take to free grazers
or free grazing.
They hate them more than they
used to hate the Indians.
I expect by "folks,"
you mean ranchers like yourself.