Beautiful country.
A man can get lost out here,
forget there's people and things
that ain't so simple as this.
How long we been
riding together, Charley?
Nigh on 10 years.
You know what they call that,
call it a decade.
Long time.
Been a lot of change since then.
What's on your mind, Boss?
Way I figure it, we can leave
the cattle and run,
or you and me can go in the dark
and stop them
before they scatter the herd.
You reckon them cows are worth
getting killed over?
The cows is one thing.
But one man telling another
where he can go in this
country's something else.
That rancher sat
in that jailhouse,
sneering and letting
his lawman lay down the law
till he figured
it was time to show us
that he gave the orders
around here.
Ooh, sticks in my craw.
Well, we sure as hell owe them
for what they done to Mose.
I'll saddle the horses.
You two keep a sharp eye out.