Open Range

My first skirmish was like
hunting with my friends.

We just sat up in some trees,
and they came marching at us.

Must have been a hundred of them
dead after the smoke cleared.

Went around and shot the rest
who weren't.

Those of us with the knack
was made into a special squad

so we could travel light
and on our own

into enemy territory.
Orders were pretty simple.
Make trouble wherever we could.

With room like that, it wasn't
long before we was killing men

that weren't even in uniform.
Seemed like that went on
the rest of the war.

After that, I come West.
Lot of call for a man
with them skills.

And I put them to work
for men just like Baxter.

Every once in a while,
I almost get through a day

without thinking
about who I am, what I'd done.

He drifted off again.
No better, but no worse, either.
You're a real honest man,

Well, I ain't gonna lie
about Button.

Not Button I'm talking about.
- Mr. Spearman.
- The doctor in?

No, he's not here.
We got a boy that's hurt bad.
