Picked him up in a Texas town
a few years back,
living off café garbage.
Couldn't speak a word
of English.
Thought we was doing him
a favor.
What about you?
You know that the marshal
works for Baxter.
People saw you ride in.
There's payment to be made
by them that done this.
Don't intend to run.
We could wire
for the federal marshal.
If he started riding today,
he wouldn't make it for a week.
With the storm coming,
maybe longer.
We're obliged to deal with the
marshal and Baxter ourselves.
What about Button?
Well, he's fighting
for his life.
We're gonna do the same.
Whatever's needed for Button,
you do it.
If he wakes, he's gonna need
to stay here a couple days
so we can watch him.
Whatever's best for him.
Can't stay away from
my little paradise, gents?!
Believe Satan says the same at
the gates of hell, old-timer!
We'd like to put the horses up.
Had a tough trail.
I'd like to set
the wagon yonder.
Help yourself!
Hurry up, though!
I seen it like this before!
Big one's coming!
Hyah, hyah, hyah!