That should cover our meal.
Worth a man's life to walk
across that road tonight.
Thanks for the coffee.
Well, appreciate what you done.
That'll be two bits.
Two bits.
I'll be having words
with you two.
And we'll be having more
than that with you, Marshal.
No need to make
the café messy... with folks.
I've got a warrant sworn out
for your arrest
for assaulting Baxter's men.
We got a warrant sworn
for attempted murder
for them that tried
to kill the boy
who's laying over there
at the doc's.
Swore out another one
for them that murdered the big
fellow you had in your cell.
Only ours ain't writ
by no tin star
bought and paid for, Marshal.
It's writ by us.
And we aim to enforce it.
Is that so?
We got no quarrel
with none of you folks.
Baxter's men bushwhacked
our friend and shot him dead.
Shot a 16-year-old boy, too.
And clubbed him so hard...
He might not live.
Tried to take our cattle.
Your marshal here ain't gonna do
nothing about it.
You don't like free grazers
in this town.
We don't much like being here.
But a man's got a right
to protect his property
and his life.
And we ain't letting no rancher
or his lawman take either.
We got no intention
of harming bystanders.