It's not like we'll have
any advantage.
But if they're out there
with us,
then they won't have as much
as they might have otherwise.
I don't figure all of them
to be killers.
Only two or three like Butler
will have done much of it.
I'll be looking to him.
The others will be hired men.
Probably saddle tramps.
Maybe ex-Army.
The rest will be cowpunchers.
They won't want to line up
in front of us.
It'll happen fast
once I start.
So just keep yourself
moving forward.
And they'll either move or root.
Maybe even freeze up.
It don't matter which.
You just start right in on them
with that scatter-gun.
When you've done both barrels,
drop it, pull your pistol,
and make a run for that building
where we stashed them others.
I'll be trying to do the same
if I can.
Sounds like you got it
all worked out.
Except the part
where we don't get killed.
Best smoke these
while we got the chance.
I'm thinking about getting out
of the damn cattle business.
You never said nothing
except nag me and Button
about getting ourselves out.
Well, maybe my own words
struck a chord.
Thought maybe
I'd sell off the cattle
and have enough to start up
a saloon somewhere.
Man could stay cool
in the summer
and dry in the winter.
Some dancing girls might be
nice, you know?
Have to get me some.