I ain't looking over my shoulder
the rest of my days.
You said we was gonna
kill them all.
I aim to do just that.
I meant kill them.
Not murder them.
Splitting hairs,
ain't you, Boss?
Mister, I heard what you said.
I won't come after you.
I promise.
No, I expect you won't.
I ain't gonna let you
do it, Charley.
You do this, you ain't no
different than Poole or Baxter
or that gunhand of his
that murdered Mose.
Him killing Mose
is how this started.
We come for justice,
not vengeance.
Them is two different things.
Not today, they ain't.
Step aside!
Listen to him, son.
You done what you had to here
because they give you no choice.
Don't go making this
into something bad.
This ain't the way, pard.
Mister, thank you.
Thank you.
Didn't do it for you, boy.
Just make peace
with your bad deeds.
Get in here!
Oh, my God.
Get out of the way.
- Put it down.
- Let the lady be!