Out for a Kill

It was through
your brilliant detective work...

you cost me the life of my wife.
- I had no idea.
- Do you expect me to believe that?

Believe this:
I'll do your work for you...
better than you ever could.
Stay out of my life. Stay out of my way.
All I knew about Robert Burns for sure...
was that he was a man
who had lost everything.

The law had failed him.
He had nothing to go back to...
and no future to protect.
When you have nothing left to lose,
you do not fear death.

The shadows of what had been done to him
would not clear.

I've had trouble sleeping.
I'm sorry about what happened to you
and to your wife.

But I can't change that now.
So if there's anything I can do to help you,
I will.

My daddy always used to say:
"Steal a little, go to jail.
