- I think it's definitely "were."
- Right, Chae.
Hey, Mathias, check it out.
Definitely arson.
It's definitely arson. Definitely.
The closer I stay
to the scene, the better.
Yeah, it's possibly
a double homicide.
We're gonna have to
take this thing over.
Chief, Judy Anderson's mom
is visiting from Orlando.
Last night, Judy said her mom
saw somebody sneaking around.
I checked it out,
didn't see anything.
We should probably tell Alex.
I'll tell her.
You get back to the office.
They want me to run my investigation
out of your place for the next 24.
I need your help--background
on the vics, people they knew.
- A tour guide?
- You cool with that?
- Okay. No problem.
- Are you sure?
No problem at all.
Why don't we ride back
and you fill me in on the Harrisons?
My boys will set up at your place.
- Okay.
- Great.
I just wanted to say
I'm really sorry about the timing.
What do you mean?
With the papers,
and then this today.
The divorce papers?
- I should have called you before.
- That would have been nice.
I know.
But it has been eight months.
Don't you think we need closure?
I really don't want
to talk about it.
Thanks for opening up.
Let's talk about the Harrisons.
Either of them screwing around?
I don't know. Is anybody
happily married these days?
These have already
been gone through.
Right. He was supposed
to get off at 1 1 :30.
Right. Mr. Harrison.
So you don't know if Mr. Harrison
came to work or not. Hold on.