We think it was used last year
in a sting operation with Paolo Estaban.
If we can tie the serial numbers
to the bills you guys have,
we can tie Estaban to Scarcetti.
This is a top priority
for us, Chief.
With this evidence, we can
kill two birds with one stone,
nail Estaban and Scarcetti.
Why don't I call you tomorrow,
and we figure out a time--
This had to be done
the day before yesterday.
We've got a court date next week.
The evidence has to stay with me
until the appeals process is over.
I didn't call you to get a lecture
on the rules of evidence.
We need to check the serial numbers,
and that's what we're going to do.
When I hang up on you
in ten seconds,
I want you to type up
a chain of evidence receipt.
One of my men will be happy
to sign it for you this aftemoon.
- Oh, yeah, and, Chief...
- Yeah?
It's been ten seconds.
Chief, you okay?
Yeah. Fine.
Just tell Gissen that I need
those prints really quick.
I'm sure Alex can--
We don't want to give them to Alex.
- Sorry. I just thought--
- Just do it!
All right. Okay.
I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.
Just go there, stay there,
and call me as soon as they're done.
You got it.
No, I've been on hold.
When should I call back?
Okay. Thanks.
Here you go.
Baste, my phone records!
How long can it take to fax over
a few sheets of paper?
I'll call them again.
- Alex, I think we got something here.
- What?