Out of Time

their lungs would look like mine.
Alex, here are
the cell phone records.

Cell phone?
They're on a different database
than the land lines.

"Town of Banyan Key."
"1 2:34 a.m."
305-555-01 99?
What time did grandma say
she saw that prowler?

After "Leno."
What time's "Leno" over?
Like 1 2:00, 1 2:30?

This might be our guy.
How many phone calls
do you get after midnight?

Must be a bad connection.
All right. 555-0199.
Come on, come on.
Yeah. Okay. Let me see
if I can find the number for you.

I don't knowwho it is.
The Nextel subscriber
you are trying to reach

is outside the service area.
Please try again later.

No, I don't have it.
Whoever it is works
for the town of Banyan Key.

How do we find out
whose phone this is?

- All right, I'll...
- Just ask.

Is there anybody
even in Banyan Key?

Yeah, I'll talk to you later.
Hey, Alex?
I'm sorry, I was drifting off there.
What'd you say that number was?

555-01 99.
01 99?
You're sure it's not 1 099?
Chae, 01 99.
01 99? That's weird.
That's my cell phone number.

- Yeah.
- Aren't you County?

I work part-time as a paramedic--
football games, school stuff.

And you called him last night?
I don't know.
Did l...?

Oh, Jesus,
I did call him last night.
