Owning Mahowny

- Congratulations.
- Mr. Mahowny has just become
the branch's youngest
assistant manager.

- I see.
- He's been handling
Miss Selkirk's accounts and
trading interests for some time.

- Well,
perhaps we could...
get started, then.

- Are you telling me that
the bank would be happy

to lend the money to my father,
but has reservations
about lending it to me?

- We'd just be happier if Selkirk
International was involved

as security.
- I thought security was...

- The building itself, with
Miss Selkirk's bond holdings

making up the balance.
- In addition to which you have
my client's personal guarantee.

- Even so, with such
a large line of credit...

- Sir.
- I'm sorry you had to
go through that, Miss Selkirk.

- What was on that sheet?
- I thought he should know
how much we're making off you.

- Dan!
- You actually make banking fun.
- It's all about procedure.
Just have to know
your way around it.

- Well, I am very grateful.
One of these days,
I'm gonna take you out

and get you a decent suit.

- Bye.
- See ya.
- Bye.

- Are you sure he can handle
a loan of this size at his age?

- Oh absolutely.
He has an impeccable record
and excellent judgement.
