Owning Mahowny

- Looking for a seven or eleven.

- Beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful.
- Everybody loses in Vegas.
- What do you mean, no record?
- I mean, like nothing.
Not even... a jaywalking ticket?
The only unusual thing
about him is how many.

- How many what?
- Well, if you move the letters
of his name around,

it spells how many.
Mahowny - how many.
- Uh, you don't say.
I'll file a report.

- He works in a bank. Maybe
Perlin's got plans for him.

Laundering money and stuff?
- You know anything about
the banking business, Steve?

- I guess not.
- I got a brother-in-law used
to work in that bank...

that's ten years ago, but...
you gotta ask permission
to get married.

- No way.
- You think we got a lot
of regulations?

- Yes, I do, as a matter of fact.
- He makes 22,000 a year Canadian.
- So he's some trust-fund punk?
- No.
- Where the hell does he get
all the money?

- I don't know.
The usual?
- Drugs?!
No way.
You have to see this guy.
- Well, I got a little theory going.
It's kind of what you might call
a long shot, but I think that...
