Pahat pojat

I just thre w a cab le around a tree
and punched the gas.

Use y our heads. I've sho wn y ou
ho w to dynamite a tree stump.

"It's gonna b lo w".
- And then a lot o f noise.

Where's Eero?
- He went to school.

I said to stay away from school
until the go vernment pay s me back.

I wrote to the president about it.
I e ven phone her.

But she was on the other line
and I couldn't wait.

The go vernment's indeb ted to me
for e very second I spend in here.

You remember y our medication?
- That whore brings them to me.

The pills don't mak e a dif ference.
- Ho w about restraints then?

Damn it! No one deals out
discipline but me.

I have a connection to the lord.
The y put drugs in the burgers.
- Who?

The go vernment. So y ouths
can't use their o wn judgment.

You and y our brothers don't drink,
y ou don't curse or e ven fight...

...but y ou're alway s in troub le.
I have to think what's best
for the whole school.

Pick up the pace, or I'll have
to suspend y ou for two week s.

I haven't hurt any one.
- Your attitude attracts troub le.
