I want to get to kno w y ou better.
- Ok ay.
Ok ay. Meet y ou at the TS at se ven.
- It's the ST. Se ven's ok ay.
ST at se ven. Ok ay.
Ho w'd it go?
- Really well.
Well then?
- Oh y eah.
- Hi.
I can't mak e.
I'm working tonight.
Oh. Ho w about later tonight then?
Yeah, uh... no,
I have to work all night.
Ho w about Friday?
- Sounds good.
Oh y eah, I need stamps.
- Ho w many? - Se ven.
That'll be three fifty.
- Here y ou go.
Pull the cab le in through the
windo w. The wall will give away.
I didn't notice any alarms.
- It doesn't mean there aren't any.
There's four o f us.
Two can be look outs.
You tak e the truck.
I'll tak e the tractor.
The tax is will sound an alarm.
- I'll tak e care o f the tax is.
Give the fiver back to Eero.
What's that?
I need two tax is
to the dance hall.