No reason to drive the old
Volvo anymore.
I have an idiot-proo f plan for
laundering our mone y. The lottery.
Every one play s the lottery, but no
one e ver really wins. And why?
The y play with a chump-change so
there's no chance o f winning.
We can play with, let's say,
a thousand dollars.
Our chances o f winning would be
a thousand times better.
Which is?
- This week it's three million.
It's a little more than what we
scored at the post o f fice.
So we tak e the mone y we
robbed and play the lottery.
Then we live on the winnings.
It's an eas y s y stem. I'm amazed
no one's thought o f it be fore.
This is cool. Where'd y ou get it?
- We won the lottery.
No way.
- No way then.
People are say ing things.
- What people?
Every one think s y ou're weird.
- What about y ou?
I don't kno w. I don't think
I kno w y ou anymore.
Ho w about no w?
- Very funny. Kiss me.