But e very one's going to be home.
- Don't worry about my parents.
Hi! No one's home.
You bo x?
- No. My b ig brother did.
He died a couple y ears ago but
I didn't want to give that away.
I felt if I gave it away, I'd be
accepting the fact that he's gone.
Our mother died three y ears ago.
We still have all her things.
You still have y our dad.
- Un fortunately.
What do y ou mean?
- Our dad's a little... sick.
He's mentally, y ou kno w...
Mentally ill.
And not just a little.
It's been rough.
My dad's sick too.
He's such a work aholic.
He think s the world's going to end
if he's not on duty.
What do y ou want to be when
y ou gro w up?
I alway s told my parents I want to
be something arts y.
It was just to agitate them.
Lik e a rock singer or an actor.