Aren't y ou one o f
the Takkunen bo y s?
Yeah, the y oungest one.
Yes, I remember. I came b y y our
house. Be care ful with Pirjo.
She tries to be wilder than she is.
- Dad!
Stop it, y ou two.
- Only kidding. Just try to behave.
I got a cat.
- Isn't it cute. What's it's name?
- Niilo?
Uhuh. Would y ou lik e co f fee?
- No. I need to get going.
I promised my brothers
we'd fill out some forms.
Hi. You want a soda or something?
- No thank s, nothing for me.
Something happen?
- Yeah, something's happened.
Our post o f fice was robbed.
Half the wall was torn out.
It's under repairs for three
months so the y cut my hours.
Some lazy idiot won't get a job,
and then ruins someone else's job.