Matti... This is so typical.
He y, listen! A wise head causes
the whole body suf fering.
We're going to be the laughing
stock o f the whole to wn.
The y don't need to kno w.
Every one's going to find out.
But the y don't need to kno w
that we didn't win.
The y kno w that we play ed a lot and
suddenly we have a pile o f mone y.
It could work.
But we don't have a pile o f mone y
anymore and no w we need more.
You spent all our mone y on this?
- Yeah, but it's not that simple.
Watch out.
It's not so simple.
Oh lord...
Lord, what can I do
with those bo y s?
The y've turned their back s on me.
Who's' the father o f the rain?
Don't talk crap.
You're just hearing things.
I kno w what I kno w when I kno w it.
The y're just bo y s.
I can hit them smack in the face
without the b link o f an e y e.