Pahat pojat

You have Pirjo. Ilkk a has his dog.
We have this.

It's gonna b lo w.
- Morons.

I'm getting fed up
with y our whining.

Do y ou alway s have to
go against the grain?

There's an order to
things in the world.

I could put y ou in order
if y ou want.

Why don't y ou be lik e dad
and go get the whip.

Guy s.
- What?

Ok ay.
- Yeah?

Let's not do this.
Let's go shopping.
Only if we don't buy
anything sensib le.

I wouldn't think o f it. And if I
did, the feeling would pass.

Three post o f fice robberies.
The y have alarms in the b ig city.

Here it tak es 90 minutes to get
a car on the scene.

We don't have the manpo wer.
It has to be the Russian ma fia.
One cre w couldn't hit
so many places.

I think the Russian mob lik es
doing jobs in b igger cities.

These are local bo y s
who kno w the area.

A c rime le ague is mov ing thro u gh
the are a, robbing loc al bank s.

An alarm s o unde d and w e
imme diately rus he d to the s c ene.

We s aw fo ur men
flee ac ro s s that field.
