Pahat pojat

That doesn't sound normal.
- That's because it's our Eero.

He y, listen.
No, dad, don't.
Dad, stop.
He's crazy.
A religious man shares his wealth.
- Eero, he's y our father.

He who strik es his father is
going to bout in hell.

I've been in hell all my life.
Bo y, y ou don't kno w
anything about hell.

He who gave y ou life
can also tak e it away.

You're a whore o f a man.
- Look who's talking.

Mail robber.
Let go.
Call it o f f, llkk a or I'll kill it.

Come here, Trooper. Sit.
The stash is empty.
- Where's the mone y?

That's the mone y the
go vernment o wes me.

That's our mone y!
The y have the go vernment's stamp
and the go vernment o wes me mone y.

Let's call the police and accuse
him o f attempted rape.

First cop who comes in is going
to hear about y our mail robb ing.
