That's de finitely a hole.
- I'm going in.
Find anything?
- Oh y es.
Bank deposit forms.
This is a paper storage.
You think the crook's are
getting dumber?
You ne ver kno w if the y had
an acute need for forms.
Let's go pick up those
monk e y-brained little shits.
We'd k eep them for four day s. Then
the y'd go destro y the e vidence.
Should we set up a watch here.
Crook s only come back to the
crime scene in the mo vies.
Ho w about I measure
the paces this time?
Oh bo y. - Is there a lo wer
ceiling underneath?
Steel plate.
Sledge hammers won't do.
Dynamite. - Dynamite.
Dyma... Dynamite!