Pahat pojat

I don't kno w about this. Ho w much
mone y does a person need?

We could sell all our ne w junk
and live well for six months.

This ne w y ear we could promise
to ne ver steal anything again.

It's time find redemption, bo y s.
Does redemption pay the b ills
Or put gas in the gas tank?

Or food on the tab le?
Mone y won't fall into our laps.
- All I kno w is b lo wing things up.

A person has to have something.
It's gonna b lo w. Fuse is burning.
Even sno w falling o f f the roo f
lik e that can set o f f the alarm.

I just wish this wouldn't happen
on Christmas e ve.

What's going on?
- Nothing. Let's go home.

Nothing? Damn it!
