Pas sur la bouche

ls it Faradel or Charly
She meets at a hotel?
No, Faradel is too ugly
That poor man, Faradel
Ah ha, l see
You're talking of me
l can't say l'm sad
lf your thoughts are bad
'Bout a man who's here
You call him your dear
lf a chap is here
You call him your dear
Some people say
lf a chap's away
He's fair game for sport
And he'll know not aught
lt may seem like spite
But they are quite right
lt may seem like spite
But they are quite right
Such maladresse
From today's hostess
ls ripe for attack
Getting our own back
What can she expect
After such neglect?
What can she expect
after such neglect?

When you criticize her
Make sure you take care
That despite your hauteur
You've a pleasant air
And that your slightest slur
Seems like praise foursquare
Play it grand, make a stand,
keep it underhand

When you criticize her
Make sure you take care
That despite your hauteur
You've a pleasant air
And that your slightest slur
Seems like praise foursquare
Pull in your claws and purr
Smile before you glare
-But now let us take tea
-Let's take tea

-Let us serve up the torte
-And the port

l'll keep the macaroons
as round as full moons

And the chocolate creams
That fill up my dreams
Guess what l have just seen
Oh, what can he have seen?
Such great bargains and buys
Where can one find such buys?
-And at all the counters
-But where are the counters?

-And on every shelf
-Tell us, where is that shelf?

Down at Selfbury and Co.
There a-shopping we'll go
for satin and pure silk

And fabrics of that ilk
For fine, bright bengaline
and for light mousseline

We ladies can't be blind
to bargains of that kind

Down at Selfbury and Co.
There a-shopping we'll go
for lace and organdie

Bright madras and paisley
Shimmering gold brocade

And bombazine with braid
And nice, warm astrakhan
