Pas sur la bouche

l called to bring tickets
for a box, tomorrow evening.

At which theatre?
The Cornmarket.
lsn't it in an old
joiner's workshop

out beyond the Bastille Square?
That's the place, the audience
sits on benches and,

in crepuscular light,
the actors, without sets
or costumes,

recite medieval mystery plays
in the original Old French.

lt's original, all right.
No one can understand a word.
lt's all the rage.

Most interesting.
l'm sure we shan't miss it,

but l believe my sister plans
to attend tomorrow's premiere

of Ratamu Pataga.
Ratamu Pataga. What is that?
You're the last to hear
about anything, Huguette.

lt's the opening night
for the Lapland ballet.

The leading dancer is a seal.
Everyone who's anyone
will be there tomorrow!

Madame Valandray has tickets?
l believe not.
May l hurry and get you a box,
if there are any left?

-Don't go to the trouble.
-l'd be delighted.

l'll be right back.
What a charming fellow,
always ready to oblige.

-Unusual for a taxi!
-A taxi?

l call him the taxi because
he's always running errands.

You little minx.
l always speak my mind.
How unwise of you.
lf you're that demanding,

you'll never find a husband.
l already have!
Actually, l've chosen him
but he doesn't know.

You secretive little madam!
l'm here to seek your support!
l'm all ears, my dear.
Who is it?

Which Charly?
Charles Brunner,
the one we all call Charly.

-You must be mad!
-l am, mad about him!

He doesn't have a situation.
What? He's the head of a school.
Oh, yes, the chief competitor
of the dada school,

the cubisto-cuneiform school,
known as coocoo for short.

Surely you don't plan
to set up house on income
