Tenderly, ardently,
so madly
Now you're quibbling.
Well, l love my husband.
-He's enough for me!
Valandray's a good man,
much better than your
first husband, Eric Thomson.
Really, Arlette,
do you have to mention him?
Let sleeping dogs lie!
Didn't you love Mr. Thomson?
Why did you marry him, then?
l was curious.
We were in America and that
American intrigued me,
like a wild animal to be tamed.
lt isn't wise to train someone
that way in matters of love.
Poor Thomson!
What's become of him?
Still no news?
Really. lf ever my present
husband were to find out--
That's right, he has his own
particular ideas about marriage!
He wants to be a trailblazer.
Some people prefer to dwell
in new apartments!
Luckily, she forgot to have
the marriage authenticated
under French law by
our consul in Chicago.
Without whom, l'd never have
become Madame Valandray.
And that would have been a pity.
Your husband's quite charming!
Yes, he leaves me totally free
and indulges my every whim.
-How's his business doing?
The metal works are booming
and he's on the verge
of signing a marvellous deal.
The dressmaker has just sent
a dress round.
Good, put it in my room.
My dress for tonight's
dinner party.
l have to write a note
for Huguette.
She wants to marry.
-So young?
-She's in love.
l thought she was
more modern than that.
With Charly.
Poaching on my territory!
She had no idea
she was trespassing.
She can have that small fry.
l prefer bigger game.
Young Charly?
Small fry?
More of a little monkey,
l'd say.
l must write to the boy.