or rather the first
conjugal act,
is like everything else here
in this world of ours,
a matter of chemistry.
What is he going on about?
This is already way beyond you.
l'm speaking to Arlette.
The union of two beings is
like the fusion of two metals.
There are all kinds
of precautions and rules.
lf not, you end up
with flaws or bubbles.
And adultery is the logical
result of a primeval bubble.
lt depends on how the crucible
is heated on the wedding night.
lf the imprint is made
on pure flesh,
with all the right
technical precautions,
well then,
the imprint is indelible
and the woman is marked for life
by the seal of the male
who first possesses her.
She will never be
unfaithful to him.
l can tell you, Faradel,
''Court my wife as much
as you like.
lt entertains her
and amuses me.''
What a fellow...
and to think l was going
to take this seriously.
-But you've gone and given me--
-What's wrong?
Nothing. When l get emotional,
it gives me hiccups.
l'm so easily impressed.
l'll soon get over it.
Get dressed for dinner.
You're running out of time.
l'll do likewise.
See you later, Mademoiselle.
Poor Faradel, he must have
a faulty imprint.
Let's finish this letter.
''My dear Charly.
Let's finish this letter.
''My dear Charly.
''l'm very curious
about Spherist art.
''Would you be kind enough
to send me an invitation?
''Even better, bring me
the invitation
and then you can go with me.''
Monsieur Charles Bruner!
Show him in!
How wonderful!
My letter has already arrived.
-l'm delighted to see you.
-Not as much as l am, Charly.
How is your Coocooism
school doing?
Wonderfully well.
My latest field is total art.
My goodness!
You certainly stop at nothing!
Or, if you prefer,
lyrico-symphonic art.
Anyway, l've painted a picture,
composed a symphony
and written a poem.