Say hello first.
All right.
Hello, darling.
How placid!
That's what l'm saying.
You haven't noticed anything?
Noticed what?
My dress, for Heaven's sake!
Yes. lt's very nice!
You hadn't even noticed it.
That's conjugal too!
l love you in any dress,
and all the more without.
That's better!
Will dinner be good?
l hope so!
lt happens to be
of capital importance for me.
l have an unexpected guest,
a surprise for you.
lmportant news.
Our fortune increased
tenfold, perhaps.
-Once our overseas guest tonight
signs the prepared contract
after dinner,
the whole American market
will open up to me.
You'll have your pearls
as dessert.
What a delightful husband
you are.
l believe l am.
Oh, let's not exaggerate.
You have one serious failing.
Which is?
You never tell me
that you love me.
But you know l do!
That doesn't matter.
l could forget.
Silly child!
Are we not blessed, dear?
And do you ever wish to go?
Such exquisite tranquillity!
True, l have never known
such calm and immobility!
lt's better than futility
My love for you is not a whim
lt's dim!
ls that all that you could find?
You're blind!
But Gilberte,
you're my true love!
Those words have such
a sweet tempo