An American gentleman
will be arriving shortly.
Show him into
the small drawing room
and let me know right away.
Monsieur Eric Thomson,
an American.
Eric Thomson!
No, l can't have heard properly,
that's impossible!
What on earth's wrong?
What do you think of my dress?
The dress is what's wrong.
Do you have any idea whom
this dinner is in honour of?
Eric Thomson.
Eric Thomson?
Her first husband!
Yes, and Georges knows nothing
about my first marriage.
What's going to happen?
He expounded his ideas earlier,
it's all a matter of chemistry.
What are we going to do?
Pretend you've fallen ill all of
a sudden and take to your bed.
That's just putting off
the inevitable.
My second husband is about
to introduce me to my first.
You must speak to Eric first.
That's the door. lt's him.
You greet him, l'm too nervous.
Be eloquent.
l'll try but the fellow always
hated the very sight of me.
l can imagine
your surprise, Monsieur.
You didn't expect
to find me here?
l must admit that, myself.
You're looking very well.
l'm quite well myself, too,
thank you.