Can we bury the hatchet, Eric?
l see, you don't want
to mention it again.
Very well, that's that,
let's not mention it again.
Should l fetch
my sister for you?
You'll see her right away.
What a grouch!
-Have you told him?
-Not yet!
He hasn't opened his mouth.
Anyone would think he no
longer speaks a word of French.
Monsieur Thomson,
l have something to tell you.
l'm Monsieur Valandray's wife.
And so there's something
l must ask of you.
-lf you stay--
-What do you say?
-Do not betray
-What do you say?
-Our past today
-What do you say?
lt could be bad
-lt can be seen
-What do you mean?
-As go-between
-What do you mean?
-You're not serene
-What do you mean?
Oh, this is mad!
-ln God's name
-What do you want?
-Think of the shame
-What do you want?
-lt's not a game
-What do you want?
Don't be a cad
-lf he's au fait
-What do you say?
-ln the least way
-What do you say?
The consequences would be dire
Without a doubt