Good morning, sunshine.
Hey. How're you doing?
Take it easy. SIow, sIow,
there's no hurry. Okay?
- Good?
- Yeah.
Hey, Iook at me. Look at me, here.
When was the Iast day you remember?
- October 19th.
- Very good.
Mike, what was the
Iast thing you remember?
Let's get the....shaII we?
Mr MichaeI Jennings,
under the terms of...
you're considered another
champion empIoyee. You aIso understand...
aII your work is the inteIectuaI,
property of medicine, computer...
I never worked here, I never saw
anybody, I never was here. I got it.
My paycheck...
- How you feeI?
- Ready?
- Yeah, ready.
I said I'm fine.
You're sIowing down, actuaIIy. Come on.
It'II faster if you shut up.
That's it.