
Hey, excuse me.
:15:30 seII me up?
When that's the time
we went to schooI...

We wanted to change the worId
I thought we wanted to save the wo
What's the job, Jimmy?
Can't teII you. AII that I
can say it invoIves optics.

If it doesn't work...
I promise you one thing
Is this reaI crystaI baII?
The point is I wiII
guarantee you 8 figures

The job may be require...
...a IittIe more time you used to.
- How much more time?
- Two years, may be three.

- You're kidding.
- That it's.

Jimmy, it's impossibIe. You can't do...
But there's so much
impossibIe you did it?

- Give up two years in my Iife?
Not give up, three. Three
years and you turn to a...Iife.

One big paycheck.
You're done.
:16:56 have three years and bIink...
:16:58'II be two seconds... and snap.
Your richness is on your wiIdest dream.
