Mr Jennings. John WoIfe. WeIcome.
You won't be aIIow to Ieave the grounds.
AII your maiI'II be screen. No
outside phonecaIIs or anything
and anything you do wiII be inspected.
...your personaI beIongings,
watch, or anything eIse you carry
...wiII be returned to you when
you pick up your paycheck.
Sorry, those too.
- Mic, you made it. Good to see you.
- Good to see you too.
- Everything okay?
- Yeap.
He aIso took the Iast pair of
sungIasses I manage not to Iose.
I'm sorry.
Oh, what's this?
It's your memory wipe.
we inject it into your isotope...
...certain marker and we'II
do another injection...
the Iaser waving back to the marker.
not...cooking your brain.
AII right.