Wrote it himself.
Wendy Darling.
Muscat, miss?
I'm a little girl.
Rum, then?
No. Thank you.
I'm told you ran away from home.
I had never thought of it that way.
I suppose I did.
How wonderful.
My parents wanted me to grow up.
Growing up is
such a barbarous business...
...full of inconvenience...
...and pimples.
Things were simpler
when I was younger.
And then the mess starts.
The feelings come.
Pan is so lucky to be untroubled
by them.
Oh, no. He cannot love.
It's part of the riddle of his being.
There, there.
It doesn't have to be this way.
Didst thou ever want to be a pirate,
my hearty?
I once thought of calling myself...
...Red-Handed Jill.
What a marvellous name. That's
what we'll call you if you join us.