Honey, what are you doing?
I don't need a map.
- I want to take an alternate route.
- Dad knows the way.
Back roads, see things
we've never seen.
This way, the day won't be
a complete waste.
- I hope we're not late.
- We don't want to be early.
I'm giving you a choice.
You can either let me
study the map...
or you can rely on
my uncanny sense of direction.
- Which will it be?
- Uncanny sense of direction.
Where are we?
Careful now.
Don't let the heat out.
How's it look?
I... wouldn't know.
What's he making?
Tell her what you're making.
Nothing special this year.
No. Just sweet potato soup
with buttered pecans,
herbed oyster stuffing,
giblet gravy,
some lemon-rosemary green beans,
sautéed red Swiss chard with garlic,
hickory nut ice cream,
and maple pumpkin pie.